RCN / 90.7 FM | RCN est une radio populaire, multi-culturelle et multi-générationelle située à Nancy | | redaction@rcn-radio.org


We have listed few questions which are frequently asked in our support forum. Kindly please read these FAQ's and if you don't find relevant question then please post your question in our dedicated support forum where our support team will look into your question.

Frequently Asked Support Questions.

How to change Order of Events Display?
If you are using Events Page Template then open the file musicplay/musicband/template_events.php and edit the following lines and replace ‘ASC’ with ‘DESC’

$args = array(
	'post_type' 	=> 'events',
	'posts_per_page'=> $event_limit,
	'orderby'   	=> 'event_date',
	'meta_key'  	=> 'event_date',
	'paged' 	=> $paged,
	'order'    	=> 'ASC'
How to Update the theme to the latest version?
Go to yor Themeforest account and then navigate to downloads section and click on download button of the Musicplay Theme and download the package ‘Installation WordPress Theme’ file which contains only theme files no PSD files are included in this file.

If you download the full package you can find the Themefiles directory from which you can find the latest version released folder says example 2.0. in that you can find the relevant theme folder. It depends on how you wish to update the theme via FTP Cllient or WordPress Theme updates method.

Before you update the theme everytime you need to backup your current theme folder. Take a backup of your modified files first and make a note of what changes you did in the files so that you can replace the altered code later as it will get replaced when you update the theme. If you are using the child theme then you don’t have to worry as you can simple replace the parent theme folder without any hesitation.

If you wish you can also take backup of your theme options from Appearance > Theme Options > Import/Export

Upload via FTP

Go to wp-content > themes location and backup your theme ‘musicplay’ folder by saving it to your local computer hard drive, or you can choose to simply delete it. You will not loose any of your content or posts.
Retrieve the musicplay.zip file from your new Themeforest download and extract the file to get the musicplay theme folder.
Then simply drag and drop the new musicplay theme folder into wp-content > themes location. Choose if it prompts to Replace the current one if you did not delete the exisiting one.

Manual Upload via FTP
Same as above but replace only the changed files. You can find the changed or added files in the changelog.txt file provided with the full package of the theme.

Video Thumbnails 16:9 Ratio?
If you like thumbnail to 16.9 ratio then you can edit in musicplay/musicband/template_video.php, musicplay/musicband/template_video3col.php and musicplay/musicband/taxonomy-video_type.php find the coding shown below and replace with your own heights
Find Code

if( $columns == '4' ) { $width='470'; $height = '470' ; }
if( $columns == '3' ) { $width='470'; $height = '470' ; }

Replace Code

if( $columns == '4' ) { $width='470'; $height = '264' ; }
if( $columns == '3' ) { $width='470'; $height = '274' ; }
Title Here
Content Here